Hello, good people.

Today, I'd like to tell you about a little surprise I got.

I've just enrolled to two food-guide site, YUK MAKAN and OPEN RICE. I tried to write a review there, it's about Zenbu, House of Mozaru. After getting done the translation,  I submitted it.

The former who approved my review was OPEN RICE. I was so glad that my writing could be on their site. Then I realized, there's written 'editor's choice'. Oh, ok, that's just fine lalala (At that time, I thought that every writing is an editor's choice, lol).

After several days, my reviews on YUK MAKAN hadn't been approved yet. I was so pessimistic and thought that my review was rejected :" Again, surprisingly, my review was approved haha. There's 'star' sign on my review and it was published on the right of their homepage. I was confused what's this star stands for, after I realized there's no star sign on the others. After clicking my review, there's written 'EDITOR'S CHOICE'.

OHMAIGOD (I know I'm kinda exaggerating and too much hehe),  I was chosen as an editor's choice. I just realized it's kinda a special thing lol hahahaha. I didn't expect anything when I submitted the review, since it was my first review on those both sites.

I'm absolutely so so grateful for this. I know it maay be just a little thing or nothing for someone else.
But, again, I'm really thankful.
'Cause I always enjoy the little things. That's what reminds me to be happy.

You can see the review here and here.
Thank you
Have a nice day :)


Sweet Medium said...

"Cause I always enjoy the little things. That's what reminds me to be happy" hehe proud of you jameeees. Congrats! :D

James Hezekiah said...

hehe thanks firda,
i miss your bei ribus robel a lot hahaha.

Lovebbi Suryanto said...

ya ampun setiap halaman di print screen ada review aku juga di (lovlavluv)... :p
Nice to know you :)

James Hezekiah said...

wah, iya review yg minilovebites ya.
pengen banget nyobain hehe.

glad to know you too, lovebbi :D

Tikka.hadi said...

wah suka maen di OR juga ya :p aku juga suka review di sana, sekali2 :p
aku uda masukin link km ke blogroll
salam kenal ^^

James Hezekiah said...

iya di openrice juga baru satu post :P
wah makasih tikka, udah ditambahin juga.

salam kenal :D

Lina said...

WOW, hellooo, new comer at OpenRice ya :D glad to know you.. Enjoy your new writing things yah :D

James Hezekiah said...

yes, still a newbie here.
nice to know you martana :) said...

It was a great review. Of course you deserve a 'star'! Our editors team read about it over and over again and they amazed. Maybe, you deserve two page in our magazine too ;)

Keep up the good work, James :)

James Hezekiah said...

Hello, YUK MAKAN :)
wow, so glad to know that. sounds great! i wish my writings could be in your cool magz :P
thank you for the 'star' and support.
thanks for visiting, anyway.